Articles on: How to Use DiB

Connecting Cloudflare

Visit and click Sign Up.

Enter your email and a strong password, and click Create Account.

Click Get Started in the Cloudflare for Infrastructure box.

Enter the domain name of your website and click Add site.

Select the Free plan and click Continue.

Cloudflare will scan your domain and display its existing DNS records.

In most cases Cloudflare will auto-populate your DNS records correctly. However, in some cases, they can miss a few records (e.g., if you see warnings about your WWW, or MX mail records). We suggest you confirm the DNS records are correct by comparing them to your current records. If this is beyond your technical ability, please talk with a professional as this could cause a website or mail outage if done incorrectly.

Review the chart of DNS records. If everything looks correct, click Continue.

Follow the instructions to change your nameservers to Cloudflare. Once you have done this, click Done, check nameservers.

If you are presented with the Do More With Cloudflare page, click Skip recommendations.

Once your nameservers have propagated, you will see a success message. If you do not see the message right away, don’t worry. It can take up to 24 hours for your nameservers to fully update. Once they are active, Cloudflare will send you a confirmation email.

Once this has been completed the next steps will show in the SEO Supercharger (w/ Cloudflare connection) box in your blog Settings.

Updated on: 03/07/2024

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