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My info, blogs, and credit cards

In the top navigation menu, you’ll see a dropdown when you hover over your profile image. From here you can access and manage your personal information, credit cards, blogs, and subscriptions.

My Info – This is where you can view or change your profile image, name, email, or password, and turn two-factor authentication (2FA) on or off. For profile images, DropInBlog uses Gravatar, a free service for creating avatars. If you don’t have an account, create one, and upload/edit the image you want to be shown on your profile.

My Blogs – This is where you’ll find a list of all of your blogs, including the ones you own and the ones you have access to as a user. Here you can view and change the following information: the blog name, URL, number of posts (excluding drafts and scheduled posts), and the status of your blog. Note that the blog name is intended for internal use only and isn’t shown on your live site or blog. The Manage Blog button on the right side of the screen will take you to the Posts page of the associated blog. From the My Blogs page, you’ll also find the Create New Blog Account option at the bottom of the page. Selecting this option allows you to add additional blog accounts.

My Credit Cards – This is where you can update your credit card details or add a new credit card. Under the credit card info, you’ll find the list of all blogs you own, with the option to manage a subscription plan for each blog. If you have more than one blog account, you can add and assign different Default Credit Cards to each of them.

Updated on: 28/02/2025