Adding a blog post
When you create your DropInBlog account, four demo posts will automatically show under the Posts tab.
Before you start adding your own content, you may want to delete the demo posts from your account.
To do that, visit the Posts page, then click on the kebab menu (1) on the right side of the blog post you want to delete and select Move to Trash (2) from the dropdown.
From your DropInBlog admin account, select the Posts (1) tab from the navigation menu, and on the new page that opens, click on Add Post (2).
This will open the post editor where you can paste or type your new blog post content.
Post Title: Start by adding your title.
Content: Then add the actual blog post.
If you are pasting your content from an external editor (such as Google Docs or Word), you don’t need to worry about recreating the formatting. DropInBlog’s editor will automatically apply the styling to your blog post.
To start a post from scratch, you can write your post in the content section and use our editing options to format your post.
The text you type into the content editing area will default to normal paragraph-based text.
If you want to add headings to your post, select one of the available options from the editor’s top menu bar.
The title of your post will automatically be formatted as an H1 heading.
Creating additional H2, H3, or H4 headings throughout your blog post will ensure they are recognized accurately for SEO purposes.
Here is a rundown of the available formatting options and elements you can add from the content editor’s top menu bar.
Headings – add H2, H3, and H4 headings to your content.
Blockquote – used for citations and quotes.
Insert CTA button – inserts a call-to-action button where your mouse cursor is placed.
Insert columns – allows you to create a content section with two or three columns.
Insert image – opens the File Manager where you can select an existing image or upload a new one.
Insert video – opens a menu where you can add a video URL or embedded code to insert into your blog post.
Insert product – opens a new window where you can find and insert your store’s products into a blog post.
Insert Smart Snippet – opens a new window where you can find and insert a Smart Snippet into a blog post.
The kebab menu on the right will open additional options that are available within the editor.
Paragraph style – changes the regular paragraph style to Callout (with a yellow background highlight) or Fine Print (smaller text font).
Insert horizontal line – inserts a horizontal line where the cursor is placed; it can be used to visually divide post sections.
Unordered list – adds a default bulleted list to a post, but it’s possible to change the default bullet point into a square, circle, or disc.
Ordered list – adds a default numbered list, but it’s possible to sort the list alphabetically by selecting one of the options shown in the image below.
Decrease indent – used to adjust indents, it shifts the text to the left.
Increase indent – used to adjust indents, it shifts the text to the right.
Insert code – used for adding formatted code into blog posts.
Insert table – adds a table to your post after you specify the number of rows and columns you want it to have.
Align – used for aligning your content. Available options include: left, right, center, and justify.
Special characters – inserts a special character into your content. Supports Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, currency, arrows, math, punctuation, and other characters.
Emoticons – adds an emoticon to a blog post.
Another set of options shows up when you highlight any of your blog post text.
As shown in the image above, these options allow you to add a link to the selected text (1), bold (2) or italicize it (3), and remove all formatting options (4).
The kebab menu on the right offers a few more options.
These include:
Inline code – adds code on a single line of text.
Strikethrough – can be used to show that particular text is incorrect.
Small text – decreases the text size on a line level.
Superscript – used for inserting a letter, figure, or symbol slightly above the normal line height of your text.
Subscript – used for inserting a letter, figure, or symbol slightly below the normal line height of your text.
From the right side of the editor’s navigation bar, you can access the Code view, which allows you to edit the actual HTML of the post directly. This is for advanced users who know HTML.
Using these options, you can create and format your blog posts according to your preferences.
Before publishing a post, we recommend reading our guides on how to set your posts' SEO (these features appear below the post editor) and how to adjust your blog post's settings (these features are on the right-hand side of the post editor). These articles are highly recommended because your post's SEO and settings are almost as important as your content.
Happy blogging!
Before you start adding your own content, you may want to delete the demo posts from your account.
To do that, visit the Posts page, then click on the kebab menu (1) on the right side of the blog post you want to delete and select Move to Trash (2) from the dropdown.
Adding a new blog post
From your DropInBlog admin account, select the Posts (1) tab from the navigation menu, and on the new page that opens, click on Add Post (2).
This will open the post editor where you can paste or type your new blog post content.
Post Title: Start by adding your title.
Content: Then add the actual blog post.
If you are pasting your content from an external editor (such as Google Docs or Word), you don’t need to worry about recreating the formatting. DropInBlog’s editor will automatically apply the styling to your blog post.
To start a post from scratch, you can write your post in the content section and use our editing options to format your post.
The text you type into the content editing area will default to normal paragraph-based text.
If you want to add headings to your post, select one of the available options from the editor’s top menu bar.
The title of your post will automatically be formatted as an H1 heading.
Creating additional H2, H3, or H4 headings throughout your blog post will ensure they are recognized accurately for SEO purposes.
Understanding all our editing options
Here is a rundown of the available formatting options and elements you can add from the content editor’s top menu bar.
Headings – add H2, H3, and H4 headings to your content.
Blockquote – used for citations and quotes.
Insert CTA button – inserts a call-to-action button where your mouse cursor is placed.
Insert columns – allows you to create a content section with two or three columns.
Insert image – opens the File Manager where you can select an existing image or upload a new one.
Insert video – opens a menu where you can add a video URL or embedded code to insert into your blog post.
Insert product – opens a new window where you can find and insert your store’s products into a blog post.
Insert Smart Snippet – opens a new window where you can find and insert a Smart Snippet into a blog post.
The kebab menu on the right will open additional options that are available within the editor.
Paragraph style – changes the regular paragraph style to Callout (with a yellow background highlight) or Fine Print (smaller text font).
Insert horizontal line – inserts a horizontal line where the cursor is placed; it can be used to visually divide post sections.
Unordered list – adds a default bulleted list to a post, but it’s possible to change the default bullet point into a square, circle, or disc.
Ordered list – adds a default numbered list, but it’s possible to sort the list alphabetically by selecting one of the options shown in the image below.
Decrease indent – used to adjust indents, it shifts the text to the left.
Increase indent – used to adjust indents, it shifts the text to the right.
Insert code – used for adding formatted code into blog posts.
Insert table – adds a table to your post after you specify the number of rows and columns you want it to have.
Align – used for aligning your content. Available options include: left, right, center, and justify.
Special characters – inserts a special character into your content. Supports Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, currency, arrows, math, punctuation, and other characters.
Emoticons – adds an emoticon to a blog post.
Another set of options shows up when you highlight any of your blog post text.
As shown in the image above, these options allow you to add a link to the selected text (1), bold (2) or italicize it (3), and remove all formatting options (4).
The kebab menu on the right offers a few more options.
These include:
Inline code – adds code on a single line of text.
Strikethrough – can be used to show that particular text is incorrect.
Small text – decreases the text size on a line level.
Superscript – used for inserting a letter, figure, or symbol slightly above the normal line height of your text.
Subscript – used for inserting a letter, figure, or symbol slightly below the normal line height of your text.
From the right side of the editor’s navigation bar, you can access the Code view, which allows you to edit the actual HTML of the post directly. This is for advanced users who know HTML.
Using these options, you can create and format your blog posts according to your preferences.
Before publishing a post, we recommend reading our guides on how to set your posts' SEO (these features appear below the post editor) and how to adjust your blog post's settings (these features are on the right-hand side of the post editor). These articles are highly recommended because your post's SEO and settings are almost as important as your content.
Happy blogging!
Updated on: 07/01/2025