Everything about your DropInBlog SEO
SEO Analyzer
For best results be sure to enable The SEO Supercharger (w/ Cloudflare connection).
When adding a blog post, the SEO Analysis section (below the post editor) allows you to set keywords, the SEO page title, and a meta description, which is your opportunity to tell search engines what your blog post is about.
Entering this information enables search engines to consider your post as a potential result when people searching for your content's subject matter.
Primary Keyword. Enter the keyword or key phrase (2 to 5 words) that is the primary SEO target of your blog post. Choose keywords or phrases that you think people are most likely searching for on Google. Make sure to use that phrase consistently throughout the body of your post and in the title, too.

SEO Page Title. This is the title that will appear in the Google search result example above.
SEO Meta Description. This is the brief summary of the blog post that will appear in the search results. The meta description will default to the first lines of your blog post if there is no entry in this section. Note, sometimes Google overrides what is set here and chooses a meta description based on its own algorithms.

Google will recognize and show your post as a relevant result based on the entries above.
This is how the entries from the example above will appear in Google search results:

Total SEO score
DropInBlog gives you a total SEO score (out of 100) for each blog post, telling you how optimized your blog post is for SEO success. It also provides actionable and insightful information on where you are doing well and where you can improve your blog post's SEO.

Page title, meta description, and content scores
The total SEO score comprises the following separate scores, which will appear under the Total SEO score with specific feedback and recommendations for each one:
Page title score: Search engines will recognize this as the title of your blog post. To get a high score for this:
Your title should include your focus keyword.
The focus keyword should appear at the beginning of your title.
The title should be shorter than 60 characters.
Meta description score: The meta description is the brief summary that appears in Google search results. To maximize this score:
Your description should include your focus keyword.
The focus keyword should appear near the beginning of your description.
The description should be shorter than 160 characters.
Content score: This score is for the actual content or body of your post. To maximize this score:
Use the primary keyword throughout your blog post.
Use the primary keyword in the first paragraph (if possible).
Include links and images in your blog post.
Before uploading images, make sure that one or more image file names include your primary keywords.
SEO Settings for your entire blog
In your Settings, scroll down to "SEO Settings" to set the SEO for your ENTIRE blog. This is an essential step because everything discussed above only affects the SEO of a single blog post.
Hover on the tooltip icon for each setting to learn how to make the most of your blog's SEO.

This SEO Settings section is the only option you have to control how your entire blog is recognized by search engines from an SEO point of view. The tooltips for each section will tell you how best to fill in all the fields for your blog to be fully optimized for SEO.
We have another article explaining more on how SEO works on your DropInBlog. We recommend reading it to improve your understanding of DropInBlog SEO.
Finally, here is a great crash course that will help you understand blog SEO:
Updated on: 01/11/2024