How to add an FAQ section to your blog posts
This guide will show you how to add frequently asked questions to your blog posts using DropInBlog’s FAQ builder.
Watch the video we've prepared for you or read the written version of this guide below the video.
Adding FAQs to your content is as easy as toggling the switch on the right side of the post editor.
Open an existing post or add a new one, and toggle the switch next to Show FAQs.
Turning the FAQ builder feature on will add an FAQ section at the end of your post, but you can drag and drop it anywhere inside the content area.
With the FAQ Builder enabled, click the Manage option next to Show FAQs to add your questions and answers.

Upon clicking the Manage option, you will see a popup window like the one in the image below. Select Add FAQ to open the FAQ editor.
To add a question, start typing into the text field below Question (1).
The same applies to adding answers – only with answers, you have several formatting options.
The FAQ editor allows you to add the following adjustments to your answers:
Create ordered and unordered lists
Add tables
Align your content
Insert special characters and emoticons into your content.
Start typing into the content area, then highlight the text to view a few additional formatting options.
You’ll see four options, including adding a link to the selected text, bolding and italicizing it, and removing all formatting you previously applied.
Once done, click the Save button to return to the previous window which will display all FAQs you created.
To add another question to this section, click the Add FAQ button at the bottom-right of the screen.
Doing so will open the FAQ editor where you can add more questions and answers.
To edit an existing question, click on the pencil icon which will appear when you hover over a question.
To the right of your question, you’ll see a trash icon, which allows you to delete your questions easily.
Once you have two or more questions, you can reorder them by clicking on the up and down arrow icons.
The last step is to save the changes and view your newly added FAQ section on the live site.
This section will display the questions, while the answers will become visible when your visitors click on the plus sign on the right.

If you want to remove FAQs from your blog post, go to the post where you added the FAQ sections.
Select Manage from the right side of the screen, and, in the window that opens, remove all the questions you added by selecting the trash icon.
To remove the FAQ title, toggle the switch next to Show FAQs to turn it off, and save your changes.
When you add an FAQ section to your post, the title of this section will default to “FAQs.”
To change the default title, visit the Settings page from your admin panel.
Then, find the FAQs title field under the Main Settings section, and enter the desired title in the text field below it.
To apply these changes, click the Save All Changes button at the bottom of the section.
That’s how easy it is to add FAQs to your blog posts.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line.
Happy blogging!
Watch the video we've prepared for you or read the written version of this guide below the video.
Turning the FAQ builder on
Adding FAQs to your content is as easy as toggling the switch on the right side of the post editor.
Open an existing post or add a new one, and toggle the switch next to Show FAQs.

With the FAQ Builder enabled, click the Manage option next to Show FAQs to add your questions and answers.

Adding questions and answers
Upon clicking the Manage option, you will see a popup window like the one in the image below. Select Add FAQ to open the FAQ editor.

The FAQ editor allows you to add the following adjustments to your answers:
Create ordered and unordered lists
Add tables
Align your content
Insert special characters and emoticons into your content.
Start typing into the content area, then highlight the text to view a few additional formatting options.

Once done, click the Save button to return to the previous window which will display all FAQs you created.
To add another question to this section, click the Add FAQ button at the bottom-right of the screen.

Managing questions and answers
To edit an existing question, click on the pencil icon which will appear when you hover over a question.

Once you have two or more questions, you can reorder them by clicking on the up and down arrow icons.

This section will display the questions, while the answers will become visible when your visitors click on the plus sign on the right.

Deleting an FAQ section
If you want to remove FAQs from your blog post, go to the post where you added the FAQ sections.
Select Manage from the right side of the screen, and, in the window that opens, remove all the questions you added by selecting the trash icon.
To remove the FAQ title, toggle the switch next to Show FAQs to turn it off, and save your changes.
Changing the default title of the FAQ section
When you add an FAQ section to your post, the title of this section will default to “FAQs.”
To change the default title, visit the Settings page from your admin panel.
Then, find the FAQs title field under the Main Settings section, and enter the desired title in the text field below it.

That’s how easy it is to add FAQs to your blog posts.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line.
Happy blogging!
Updated on: 21/01/2025